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Police unions register a formal trade union dispute over pay

Employers refuse to return to negotiating table after unions reject 1% pay offer

UNISON and the other police staff trade unions have registered a formal trade union dispute with the employers on behalf of members, over pay.

The decision was made after the employers’ failure to meet the unions’ pay claim for 3% or £500 (whichever is the greater), or to “engage in meaningful negotiations”.

A joint statement today by the Police Staff Council trade union side reported the “overwhelming rejection” of the members of UNISON, Unite and the GMB of the 1% pay offer for 2014.

In UNISON’s consultative ballot, members rejected the offer by 84%.

As a result, the unions asked the employers to re-open pay talks to improve their offer.

The employers refused to return to the table, stating that 1% remained their full and final offer.

The offer applied to police staff in England and Wales, except for the Metropolitan Police, and the Kent, Surrey and Thames Valley forces.

Police staff pay and conditions

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