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NHS England ballot opens on 28 August

Industrial action ballot in England opens on 28 August, followed by a campaign day on 1 September and the Wales ballot opening on 30 September

The English NHS strike ballot on pay opens this week, on 28 August.

In  Cymru/Wales, preparations are under way for a separate ballot which opens on 30 September.

Branches are gearing up to get the highest possible turn out in the ballot. We need to encourage as many members as possible to vote and to vote Yes

Later this week, members involved in the English ballot will reeive an email message from UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis encouraging them to vote and to vote Yes.

Relevant health branches have received a circular which includes:

In Wales, branches should be going out and speaking to members about the up and coming pay ballot.

UNISON has produced a number of materials that branches can use to help support their mobilising work around the pay ballot.

As part of th eoverall  NHS pay campaign, we are also encouraging members to take part in a day of social media and campaign activity on Monday 1 September.

Organised by the all-union All Together For the NHS campaign, the day aims to keep a focus on funding and pay in the NHS and to highlight the campaign for fair pay for NHS workers.

We are asking members to take photos of themselves and their colleagues, at work, using our “NHS workers deserve a pay rise because…” poster and then put them up on Twitter with the hashtag #NHSPay or email them directly to

Simply download and print out the poster  

We will be on hand to re-tweet all messages, post images up on Facebook and promote your social media activity on the day.

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