Speak up for libraries when you vote

Next week’s local elections in England and Northern Ireland are the ideal time to speak up for libraries and make sure that local councils understand that libraries are a low-cost, essential resource – deeply valued by local residents.

That was the call from the Speak Up for Libraries alliance – which includes UNISON – as it urged people to make public libraries a central issue in local elections.

The alliance noted that many library services are already threatened by deep cuts and widespread closures of vital local branches – but the unprecedented cuts to government grants that local authorities are facing mean that those services are in danger of being seen as soft targets for more cuts, despite being a statutory requirement.

“Libraries remain the lynchpin of communities, offering access to learning, information and enjoyment,” said the alliance.

“Libraries are a trusted public space, a place for everyone. They play a crucial role in improving literacy standards and in combating the digital divide.”

Speak up for Libraries is asking local councillors and candidates to sign up to the following manifesto:

  • acknowledge that libraries are important to people – especially when times are hard for individuals and communities;
  • give a commitment to engage with communities to design services that meet their needs and aspirations;
  • make sure library services are properly resourced and staffed with a commitment to a service that is publicly funded, managed and run by paid professional staff;
  • recognise that properly funded library services contribute to the health and well-being of communities and so complement the work of other public services.

The organisation also wants councillors to lobby the government to:

  • give libraries a long-term future, with a vision for their future development and clear standards of service;
  • enforce the legal requirment to provide a “comprehensive and efficient” library service – which should also include digital, IT and ebook services.

UNISON in local government

Campaign: A million voices for public services

Key issue: cuts to local services