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NHS branches gear up for day of protest

UNISON calls on activists to make their anger felt on 5 June over 'divisive' pay offer

UNISON is calling on its NHS branch activists to play their part in the day of protest on Thursday 5 June against the government’s “divisive” pay award.

The protest is the first act of a prolonged campaign for both better pay and, by extension, a properly motivated health service workforce.

NHS members will be balloted later in the year over industrial action, in response to the government’s decision to give a 1% non-consolidated increase – and only to those NHS staff at the top of their incremental scale.

Pay restraint has had a massive impact in the NHS, where healthcare workers have seen real-term salary levels fall by between 8-12% since 2010. 

“The public deserves a quality NHS with staff who are well motivated and properly rewarded for the vital work they do,” said UNISON head of health Christina McAnea. 

“This divisive pay award will do nothing to provide such motivation.”

Kicking off the campaign, the day of protest will feature rallies and morning and lunchtime protests at workplaces across the country, along with leafleting and a full use of social media.

The aim is to raise awareness of the issues not just among UNISON members, but also non-members in the workplace and the public.

Branches are requested to inform their regions of any events they plan for the day, as well as emailing the details to the national office at

They can then visit the NHS pay webpage to find out about events in their area.

Care about a quality workforce for the NHS? Please sign this petition for fair pay for NHS staff

NHS pay key issue

Worth It campaign

Watch this film about why NHS staff are angry

Events: 5 June – Fair Pay for NHS Staff – National Day of Protest

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