Miliband backs workers in defence of vital protections

Labour leader Ed Miliband has tabled an early day motion (EDM) seeking to repeal new laws that water down the TUPE regulations.

Many UNISON members rely on TUPE to protect their terms and conditions as they transfer between employers.

And the union is calling on all its members to contact their local MPs and urge them to sign the motion.

“This is exactly the type of support that our members and activists need,” UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said today.

“TUPE is vital for protecting terms and conditions. Parental leave, flexible working and time off for ante-natal appointments are just some of the conditions under threat. 

“The government has now made it easier for employers to cut terms and conditions and ignore collective agreements with trade unions. These changes make it quicker and easier for employers to make workers redundant, and to move people’s jobs further away from their homes.

“Low-paid workers are more likely to have their jobs outsourced. And once this happens, it will become all too easy for employers to gradually erode terms and conditions.”

Mr Miliband’s EDM 1130 seeks the annulment of the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, which became law in January.

“This shows the difference between the values of the Labour Party, and those of the Tories, who do not care about working people,” added Mr Prentis, who added that he hoped that Labour would include the essence of the EDM as a manifesto pledge for the general election.

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