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UNISON reaction to resignation of Colchester Hospital Chief Executive

UNISON welcomes the resignation of Gordon Coutts, the Chief Executive of Colchester Hospital Foundation Trust

UNISON welcomes the resignation of Gordon Coutts, the Chief Executive of Colchester Hospital Foundation Trust

Tim Roberts, Regional Organiser, says: “Mr Coutts should have resigned weeks ago.  

“I am very proud that it was UNISON members who blew the whistle about what was going on in cancer services after management tried to bully them into changing the data and threatened them to keep quiet about the dodgy practices. 

 ”It seems that some critically ill patients did not receive the appropriate treatment at the right time because of the falsification of data.  He was the leader of the organisation and was ultimately accountable for patient safety. We hope the Trust Board will move quickly to recruit a new permanent  Chief Executive who can lead the organisation out of the mess.”


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