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Npower job cuts a christmas nightmare for staff and customers

Speculation about job cuts at npower rising

UNISON, the UK’s largest union, reacted angrily to speculation that giant energy company npower is on the verge of announcing plans to offshoremore than 1,400 jobs to India and transfer hundreds of customer support jobs to a private company.
The union attacked the decision as a “Christmas nightmare for staff and customers” – warning the company that the decision will backfire badly by damaging its reputation further amongst UK customers.
Matthew Lay, National Officer for Business and Environment, went on to say:
“npower have consistently let their customers and staff down by not investing enough in the workforce, technology or in the latest customer service techniques.  This has led to a huge number of complaints which the company seems to think they can deal with by shifting the responsibility to somewhere else – including to India.
“If the company goes ahead with this disastrous plan it will backfire badly, damaging their already tarnished reputation for customer service.  At a time when unemployment is high, what commitment does it show to the UK by shipping these much needed jobs abroad?  And what does this say about their commitment to staff when npower have kept them on tenterhooks waiting for the axe to fall for weeks?”

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