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It is just good care

20 November is Transgender Memorial Day. We are marking the day with the launch of a joint UNISON/GIRES guide for health staff providing care for people who are trans

Every year, we mark transgender memorial day on 20 November to remember those who have died because of transphobia and to commit ourselves anew to working for trans equality. 

This year, UNISON is using the day to launch a new guide for health staff on providing care for people who are trans. Titled It’s just good care, it aims to help health staff provide trans people with appropriate and respectful care. 

It is a joint publication by UNISON and the Gender Identity Research and Education Society. 

‘Trans’ is an umbrella term for the wide and very varied group of people whose gender identity does not conform to the sex they were assigned at birth. 

Trans people face considerable ignorance, prejudice and discrimination in their daily lives, which impacts on their general health and well-being.  Informed and appropriate healthcare can make a significant improvement to their health outcomes. 

This guide describes what good care looks like, the key issues for providing health care for trans people and gives examples of where this is being put into practice.

It’s just good care [Word]


The GIRES website

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