Universities on strike in London

UNISON members in universities across London will be taking strike action on 31 October with members from other education unions UCU and Unite. UNISON members are upset and angry at the 1% pay offer which see their pay fall by nearly 15% over the past four years.  

Picket lines are expected at universities across the capital.  The disruption will go much further than lectures as UNISON’s members carry out a wide variety of jobs such as supporting students on campus, in libraries, course administration, catering, cleaning and security.

Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, who will be joining members on the picket line tomorrow in London said:

“Taking strike action is never an easy decision, especially for those already struggling on low pay. With Christmas less than two months away losing a day’s pay is even harder, but it shows just how angry and upset our members feel at this miserly 1% offer.

It is a disgrace that universities are sitting on cash surpluses worth £2bn, but they are not prepared to reward their staff, who are the backbone of our world class university system”.

Strikers in London will attend an official rally at 2pm at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, near Holborn.  Speakers from all three striking trades’ unions will include Linda Perks, Regional Secretary and Elizabeth Baptiste Chair of the London Higher Education Committee, both from UNISON