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UNISON campaign helps protect Sudanese political prisoner

UNSION member Ekhlas Ahmed celebrates after husband freed from Khartoum jail

UNISON has welcomed the release of Sudanese political prisoner Dr Sidqui Kaballo.

Dr Kaballo – whose wife Ekhlas Ahmed is a member of the union’s Birmingham branch – was released from Kharthoum’s Kuber prison at midnight last night.

A high-profile political and human rights activist in Sudan, Dr Kaballo was arrested on 27 September and held incommunicado ever since.

After his arrest UNISON, in particular Ms Ahmed’s branch and region, campaigned vigorously for the release of Dr Kaballo. Torture and even killing of policial prisoners is widespread in Sudan.

MsAhmed is at hometoday  celebrating the news of her husband’s safe release with her family.

“I am very relieved,” she said.

“My husband is still in Sudan but we spoke to him briefly last night and again this morning. He told us he’s lost a bit of weight, but he’s OK.

“The fact that he was treated well in prison was because of the campaign – otherwise his life would have been at risk. That was our aim from the beginning – to protect him.”

“I felt very well supported by my social work colleagues and my union, as well as Amnesty International and other organisations that joined the campaign.

“When my husband was arrested, personally, emotionally I wasn’t in a state to do anything. My colleague and UNISON rep Maureen Wade campaigned for his release, and drafted a letter for all the staff to send to their MPs.

“They all supported me very well, and they did a good job.”

UNISON’s West Midlands regional secretary Ravi Subramanian said: “We are all very relieved that Dr Kaballo is safe and well. Mrs Ahmed’s branch have been fantastic and should be proud of the part they played in securing his release.”

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