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A flying start for autumn recruitment push

Our autumn recruitment campaign has kicked off with our best recruitment week for two years

UNISON’s autumn recruitment campaign has kicked off with our best recruitment week for two years. During the week beginning 23 September, 4,468 new members joined UNISON – the top total for any week this year. This is 23% higher than the same week last year – even though that itself was the biggest recruitment week of 2012.

A mix of regional and branch recruitment activity in workplaces, mobilising for the NHS demo in Manchester and national TV and newspaper advertising saw rises across the board in the numbers joining using paper application forms, online and over the phone.

General secretary Dave Prentis said: ““This is a phenomenal way to start our recruitment drive for autumn. It shows that when we act together – raising the profile of the union, getting out into workplaces and talking to people, and run advertising at the same time – we can really make a difference.

“Now the challenge is to keep this fantastic achievement going throughout October.

“Now, more than ever, anyone working to provide public services – whether directly in the public sector or for private companies or the voluntary sector, needs the support a union can offer. Let’s build our union.”

All regions have recruitment activity planned throughout October and the TV and newspaper advertising will run throughout October and into November.


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