Wolverhampton council members to discuss strike

UNISON is calling members at Wolverhampton Council to a consultative meeting this evening to vote on whether to ballot for strike action in response to an announcement of 1,000 job cuts.

The meeting will take place today (17 September) at 7pm in the council chamber offices.

Regional organiser Dawn Sant said: “These cuts will be devastating to families and the economy in Wolverhampton. We understand about unfair government budget cuts inflicted upon councils, but at the same time, we feel the council is haemorrhaging money by making ineffective spending decisions.

“For example, it is really bad timing and unhelpful to those who face a loss of service or redundancy that £15m is being spent on refurbishing its civic centre.

“As you can image, people are upset and angry as they watch new office furniture being delivered. They are also aware that the chief executive, Simon Warren, has recently accepted a pay rise lifting his salary and pension to £190K.”

Mrs Sant added: “UNISON will be meeting with Mr Warren on Wednesday and will also be submitting a freedom of information request to explore finances and discover how money is being spent.

“It is really important that members, and those wishing to join UNISON, attend this evening’s meeting to mandate and instruct their union about the possibility of future industrial action.”

UNISON Wolverhampton local government branch