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UNISON signs historic learning agreement

Agreement shows commitment by both sides but now need to ensure that what is in the agreement is put into practice and delivers for NHS staff

UNISON has signed a historic learning agreement with NHS Property Services.

NHS Property Services has been set up by the Department of Health to manage former primary care trust properties not transferred to providers under the NHS reorganisation.

The agreement, signed on behalf of UNISON by the union head of health Christina McAnea is the first union learning agreement with a newly created NHS body. And it is the first time such an agreement has been signed with multiple unions, including MiP (Managers in Partnership), GMB and Unite as well as UNISON.

“The fact that this learning agreement has been signed within six months of the formation of NHS Property Services on 1 April 2013 demonstrates a real commitment from both the employer and staff side unions to learning and training,” said UNISON national officer Sian Rabi-Laleh.

“We now need to ensure that what is in the agreement is put into practice and delivers for NHS staff, particularly those in bands 1 to 4,” she added.

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