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UNISON sends support to FBU strikers

General secretary Dave Prentis extended a message of solidarity to Fire Brigades Union members on strike today against plans to make them work until they're 60

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis today sent a message of support to Fire Brigades Union members who are taking strike action.

“Today, firefighters are taking strike action to protest at government plans to raise their retirement age to 60 – despite expert advice warning against the government’s plans,” he said.

“UNISON stands side by side with these frontline public service workers who do a dangerous and physically demanding job on behalf of us all.

“The government should feel ashamed to reward this example of the public service ethos at its best, with a threat to force firefighters to work on beyond their physical capacity or face the sack if they are unable to do so.

“We send our solidarity and support to all striking firefighters today and wish them well in their action.”

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