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UNISON calls for living wage for all NHS staff

The union has submitted evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body on behalf of almost half a million UNISON and BAOT members

UNISON today called for all NHS staff to be paid at least a living wage.

The call came as part of the union’s submission of evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body on behalf of almost half a million UNISON and BAOT members working in the NHS across the UK.   

UNISON called on the Body to protect the lowest paid staff in the NHS by awarding an increase that brings staff on Pay Band 1 up to at least the level set for the living wage. The union also highlighting the impact continued pay restraint is having on the whole NHS workforce.

UNISON survey findings showed pay restraint is having a detrimental effect on NHS staff morale and motivation, which has worsened significantly in the past 12 months and shows no signs of improving. The survey also showed how NHS workers are struggling as the real terms value of NHS pay lessens against rising inflation.

UNISON’s submission to NHS Pay Review Body [PDF]

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