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UNISON vows to campaign against threat to education centre

Worcestershire branch warns that closing outdoor education centre will lose a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the children in the county

UNISON has rejected plans to close an outdoor education centre in Worcestershire, warning that it would mean the loss of a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity for many children in the county.

The county council wants to close the Llanrug Outdoor Education Centre by the end of the year, with the loss of 10 jobs.

But Worcestershire County Council UNISON branch is calling on the local community to join a campaign against the cuts, warning that “if we lose these sorts of services, they will be gone for good.”

Branch secretary Jim Price pointed out: “If Llanrug closes, not only will 10 of our dedicated members face losing their jobs, but a unique opportunity for so many local children will also be lost forever.

“Llanrug has provided the chance for thousands of our schoolchildren to experience and enjoy challenges such as rock-climbing and canoeing, activities they wouldn’t ever come across at home.

“This loss is one of the costs of the severe cuts being passed down by central government to local councils.

“We feel this is the tip of the iceberg as the council is also considering withdrawing all support services to local schools,” warned Mr Price.

“We believe one of the government’s priorities should be fully funding councils, and one of our council’s top priorities should be the education and future of our young people.

“We will be campaigning vigorously against these cuts and invite the local community to join us.”

Campaign: A million voices for public services

Key issue: cuts to local services

UNISON in local government

UNISON West Midlands

UNISON Worcestershire County Council branch

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