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Government report shows welfare reforms are not working

Government report into pilot schemes reveals issues and concerns that UNISON has been raising

The government has produced its evaluation report on the 13 local authority-led universal credit pilots.

It highlights six real challenges and problems that the government faces in its plans to roll out universal credi. These are the same concerns and issues that UNISON has been raising in its campaign against welfare reforms and have now proved to be key barriers in its welfare reform agenda.

Because the government went full steam ahead with its reform agenda without listening to key concerns from expert welfare representative groups and community organisations – including UNISON – at the time of the bill and regulations the timetable, the roll out for welfare reform has now been delayed.

The report looks at the findings of the local authority pilots and identifies key challenges across six themes.

UNISON has produced five briefings setting out why the government’s current welfare reforms are unfair and will not benefit the majority of working, low-paid families, women, children and disabled people who receive additional welfare support through benefits and tax credits.

The briefings set out UNISON’s major concerns of the current welfare cuts and changes.

They also set out UNSION alternative vision of reducing dependency on welfare support improving living standards through increasing the living wage and affordable childcare provision, addressing underemployment and providing more affordable social housing.

Download the briefings now

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