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UNISON joins protest against ATOS

Members of UNISON Northern Ireland's community and voluntary branch joined a protest outside the Derry office of ATOS healthcare, the company that carries out medical tests on behalf of the government

Members of UNISON join Pink Ladies campaigners outside an ATOS assessment centre

Around 30 people, including members of UNISON Northern Ireland’s community and voluntary branch, have attended a protest outside the Derry office of ATOS healthcare, a company that carries out medical tests on behalf of the government.

ATOS are paid by the government to determine whether people on sickness or disability benefit are fit to work.

UNISON community and voluntary local organiser Brian Pelan said: “We were there to show our solidarity with the cancer support group Pink Ladies and with all the cancer sufferers who are under attack from this private company and their assessments.

“ATOS and their assessments simply don’t work,” continued Mr Pelan. “Sick and disabled people are seeing health detriments as a result. We won’t stand for this and will support the Pink Ladies in their campaign.”

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