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Senedd hosts celebration of the NHS and UNISON

UNISON Cymru/Wales is celebrating 65 years of the Welsh NHS, together with 20 years of UNISON, at an event at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay


UNISON Cymru/Wales birthday cake for the NHS 65th birthday and UNISON’s 20th birthday


UNISON Cymru/Wales is celebrating 65 years of the Welsh NHS today, together with 20 years of UNISON, at an event at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay.

The celebration will include music, drinks and a host of guest speakers including UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis, the health minister Mark Drakeford, Aneurin Bevan’s great niece Jaselle Williams, and Aneira Thomas, who was the first NHS baby.

UNISON Cymru/Wales head of health Dawn Bowden said: “This is a proud day for both the NHS and for UNISON and what greater place to celebrate than in Wales, Aneurin Bevan’s homeland.

“I think it can sometimes be easy for people to forget what a successful machine the NHS is and how much it delivers. When something becomes the norm it can often be taken for granted.

“But the fact that any individual in Britain, no matter what their background or wealth, can access quality healthcare that is free at the point of delivery is momentous.

“We in Wales, and the rest of the UK, are privileged to be able to rely on a service like the NHS and we must never lose sight of that. And we must also remember that the NHS would not be what it is today without the hard work and dedication of so many healthcare staff.

“In Wales, we are fortunate that the Welsh government appreciates that value of the NHS and has committed to keeping it in public ownership, but UNISON has grave concerns for the NHS across the border in England.

“The NHS, whether in England or Wales, should not be opened up to privatisation. It is simply immoral to introduce profit margins to a service that save lives.

And Ms Bowden concluded: “Aneurin Bevan said that the NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it, and I can guarantee that UNISON will always stand and fight for the NHS, as we have done for the last 20 years.”

NHS 65th birthday: The Senedd

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