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NHS union survey on working longer

How would an increased retirement age affect you the NHS? Fill in our online survey before 12 August

UNISON and other NHS unions want to hear from you about how government plans for a longer working life will affect you.

The NHS unions have set up an online survey for members. This will form part of UNISON’s and other unions’ response to a call for evidence by the Working Longer Review, set up by NHS Employers, unions and the health departments of England, Scotland and Wales.

It follows the Public Service Pensions Act, which took effect in April 2013 and links the normal pension age to the state pension age (which will be between 65 and 68, depending how old you are now).

This means that most existing members of the NHS Pension Scheme, and all future members, will have a higher normal pension age and will have to work for longer before they receive their pension.

The issue of NHS staff working longer is contentious and the review wants to identify examples of best practice make it easier staff working longer as well as hear of any issues that may make working longer more difficult.

The survey should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete. The deadline to complete the survey is Monday 12 August.

Take part in the online survey

Previous news story: How will a raised retirement age affect you and the NHS (includes information on submitting views directly to the review)

Knowledge topic: The NHS Pension Scheme (members only, you need to be signed in to view this)

Get help topic: Pensions

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