Government’s ‘broken promise’ leads to loss of 300 NHS jobs in Walsall

UNISON today condemned the government’s “broken promise” to protect the NHS that will lead to the loss of almost 300 healthcare jobs in Walsall over the next five years.


But the union has pledged to work with management of the Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, which runs the town’s Manor Hospital, to try to minimise further losses.


“Industrial relations at Walsall NHS work extremely well,” said UNISON regional organiser Tracy Wood,and we will work with management to preserve as many jobs in the future as possible.”


She added: “We are saddened that the Conservative government has decided to cut funding to the hospital of around £10 million pounds, which will of course affect vital services provided to the residents of Walsall and staff employment at the hospital.


“The government has broken its promise to protect the NHS – and this is the result.”