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UNISON conference backs alternatives to austerity

'There is an alternative to austerity, and that's what this union has embarked on', agrees union as conference debates the issue


Gordon McKay speaking at national delegate conference. Photo: Steve Forrest.



“There is an alternative to austerity, and that’s what this union has embarked on!”

That was message from Gordon McKay of the national executive, as he opened a composite debate on the union’s alternatives to austerity in Liverpool this morning.

“We expect better from our Labour Party – and we will demand better from our Labour Party,” he continued.

“We’ll put the country first by promoting jobs, and growth.”

Jane Carolan for the NEC said that the motion detailed “a credible, alternative strategy … about moving the economy out of recession”.

And she added that it “challenges the orthodoxy that says austerity is the only way forward”.

Glen Williams of Sefton said that the motion contained “sensible, serious proposals”.

Anne McCormack of St Helens College said that those who claimed that there was no more money for public services actually meant that they didn’t want to reallocate resources.

“They’re really saying that they’re really quite happy with the allocation of resources as they are now,” she observed.

John McCloughlin of Tower Hamlets stressed that “we will not let any forces divide us” and allow the likes of UKIP and the far right to benefit from the current economic situation.

And Tony Phillips of London fire and emergency planning branch, described the “criminal greed of the bankers” causing the financial crisis.

“Their policies of austerity and cheap credit has failed,” he continued.

In voting for the motion, conference gave its backing to the union’s detailed alternative programme.


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