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Swansea UNISON members vote on Single Status offer

Swansea UNISON members vote on employer's Single Status and Job evaluation offer

UNISON is balloting its 5,000 members in Swansea City and County Council over a proposed Single Status and job evaluation pay offer.

“This is a major change for our members,” says branch secretary Mike Davies. “It is really disappointing that this project has taken so long to implement, as trade unions were willing to implement around 2007/8.

“I would urge our members to take time to read and understand the full implications of the offer from the council before placing their vote.”

UNISON regional organiser Eddie Gabrielsen said:

“Members will be asked to vote according to how they feel they have been treated under the proposals, which the council is reluctant to negotiate further.”

UNISON welcomes the future implementation of the living wage of £7.45 per hour, but has concerns about some of the proposals.

“It is not only about money gained or lost, there are other proposals regarding changes to working conditions that members should bear in mind when voting,” continued Mr Garbrielsen.

“What is important is that members vote on the proposals and we have a clear mandate on the direction UNISON takes. 

“We would urge those not in a union to join UNISON so as to have their say on the proposals,” he said.

Ballot papers will be sent in the next week to all UNISON members working for the council. The ballot closes on 22 July 2013.

Key issue: Local government pay

UNISON in local government

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