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Support needed for Rochdale rally on Saturday

Support needed for Rochdale rally on Saturday 29 June

Striking members in Rochdale will hold a march and rally on Saturday 29 June to protest against pay cuts and slashed terms and conditions. 

UNISON’s National Delegate Conference last week passed an Emergency Motion calling on branches to support our members in Rochdale. Conference declared its solidarity with the strikers, pledged full union backing and made an immediate donation of £5,000 to the strike fund.

The march and rally in Rochdale town centre at starts 11am from the Butts on Saturday.  The route through the centre of the town is short and will be followed by a rally on the Butts, ending at approximately 12 noon. 

Further detailed information and a map will be sent to branches later this week. 

Volunteers are urgently needed to steward the march and rally, from 10am till 12.30pm on Saturday.

For more details, please contact Lizanne Devonport at or Karen Longmire at, or call 07957 504 885. 

We also need to ensure that branches are aware of the march and that it is well supported.

The employer, Future Directions, is proposing wage cuts of up to £10,000, cutting sick pay and holidays and attempting to get an injunction against a strike through the courts.

Despite this members have taken five days of legal strike action, with more to come. The branch will need support in order to sustain action. 

Please send messages of support and donations to Helen Harrison, branch secretary, Rochdale UNISON, 46 Richard Street, Rochdale, OL11 1DU.  Cheques can be made payable to Rochdale UNISON.

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