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Lack of careers advice damaging life chances

We need urgent action to stop young people going from school and joining the near million young people without a job

 UNISON, the UK’s largest union, today added its voice to the concerns raised by CBI leader John Cridland over the lack of careers advice in schools, saying the damage will be felt by youngsters for many years to come.  The union is warning that unless action is taken now the service will not just be on ‘life support’, in the future it will be DOA – dead on arrival.

Jon Richards, UNISON Head of Education, said:

 “This Government has destroyed the connexions service which played a vital role in supporting and guiding young people.  The service was condemned for being patchy, but dumping it on schools with no extra funding is just not tenable.

 “Teenagers have to make hard choices in schools that will have a direct impact on the rest of their lives.  They need clear, expert advice and guidance which schools simply are not able to deliver in the current cuts environment. 

“Unless action is taken now we will see more young people leaving school and joining the near 1m young people without a job.”




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