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Cut to pig meat checks poses danger for British banger

UNISON has blasted EU plans that could allow abscesses and tumours from sick animals to be included in the meat products that people eat

UNISON, the union for meat inspectors, is warning that a Brussels vote to cut pig meat checks could see cysts and abscesses make their way into British bangers.

Currently, symptoms of disease or ill-health in animals killed for food are physically removed by inspectors, independent of the meat producers. They stop cysts and abscesses being processed into food for sale.

A decision taken in Brussels this week means that pig meat checks will now only be visual. A range of unpleasant symptoms of illness in pigs will be processed into food unchecked and unnoticed.

Ben Priestley, UNISON national officer, said: “British bangers flavoured with cysts or abscesses can now make their way onto your plate. Weakening pig checks is a recipe for disaster. The horse meat scandal clearly proved that light-touch food regulation does not work.

“Consumers rely on the government to protect them and keep their food safe – they have been badly let down by the weakening of these important rules.”

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