Learning Angle Briefing No9: Using learning to promote well-being at work

Learning Angles are a series of factsheets to help Union Learning Reps (ULRs) promote learning around current issues.

This Learning Angle showcases two ground-breaking initiatives which ULRs and branches can use to help build effective union-employer partnerships to promote health and well-being in the workplace.

It gives:

  • successful partnerships in South West that illustrate how ULRs and branches have used learning to build effective union-employer partnerships to promote health and well being in the workplace;
  • action points to help ULRs follow up and work with their regional education teams;
  • useful resources to support branches.

If you would like to find out more information contact your regional education organiser or learning development organiser, Tel: 0800 0 857 857.

Learning Angle briefing number 9 http://www.unison.org.uk/file/B8271.pdf.

Copies of this and previous learning angles can be downloaded here http://www.unison.org.uk/laos/publications.asp.