Underemployment puts false gloss on unemployment figures, says UNISON

The fact that 1.4m people working part time cannot find the full-time job they need should ring alarm bells, warned UNISON, the UK’s largest union today (17 October). This growing number is putting a false gloss on unemployment figures and leaves no room for complacency, said the union.

Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, said:

“Any fall in unemployment has to be welcome, but there is no room for complacency around these figures. There are still 2.53 million people out of work and a near record 1.4m people who are being forced into part time work when they need the income from a full time job. That means they will be on lower pay and in many cases have to rely on working tax credits to make ends meet.

“They will also struggle to meet tax credit and new Universal Credit rules to qualify, when employers may be unable to offer increased hours.

“The Olympic effect is also still evident in these figures and the Government needs to look at creating long-term, full-time jobs to secure a healthier economy.”
