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It’s right to celebrate diversity, but much more needed to tackle racism in the NHS

Serious issues still to be addressed

Commenting on NHS England’s race equality standard report published today (Thursday), which says the NHS workforce is more diverse than at any point in its history, UNISON deputy head of health Helga Pile said: 

“While it’s good to see NHS staff better reflect the communities served by their hospitals, unfortunately the picture isn’t quite so rosy ​when it comes to their experiences at work. 

“White applicants are still more likely to be appointed than black job seekers. Black staff are more likely to be disciplined and experience bullying or harassment from patients and other staff. They’re also nearly three times more likely to have suffered discrimination at work from their managers ​and colleagues.

“Working in the NHS can still be a hostile and damaging experience for many black health workers. It’s beyond intolerable for this still to be the case in 2022.

“Too many black staff don’t have the career chances on offer to others and often nothing is done about the racism they face daily. 

“These serious issues must be tackled head-on as a matter of urgency. Otherwise, the NHS will continue to shed experienced staff it can ill afford to lose.”

Notes to editors:
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

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