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Winners of Our Health Heroes Awards 2022 announced

The winners of the sixth annual Our Health Heroes Awards were announced on 24 March 2022 at a glittering awards ceremony held at London Science Museum.

UNISON sponsors two of the award categories: Breakthrough Apprentice of the Year and Exceptional NHS Operational Support Worker of the Year.

From porters and cleaners to receptionists, gardeners and security guards, these often unsung heroes make up roughly 40% of the NHS’ million strong workforce.

Our Health Heroes Awards is a national celebration of their achievements and an opportunity to give thanks for the important role that they play in keeping the health service functioning. Nineteen winners were announced this year.

Two UNISON members, Julie Kemp and Chris Sparks, were runners up for the Exceptional NHS Operational Support Worker of the Year award.

Chris Spark is a security supervisor at Torbay Hospital. He said: “It was flattering to be nominated for an award, especially when I just feel like I’m doing my job. Security is usually an unappreciated and un-thanked job, so my wider team really felt an acknowledgement of our work.”

UNISON head of Health Sara Gorton commented: “UNISON is delighted to have been a part of the Our Health Heroes awards again this year. The winners are a truly deserving group of outstanding individuals who highlight the extraordinary work that the whole NHS team has to do every day. We’re sending a huge congratulations to all the winners.

“The Our Health Heroes awards continue to highlight the work of the whole healthcare team and shine a light on those job roles that are often overlooked for praise.”

This year’s winners are as follows:

Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Healthcare, sponsored by NHS Employers:

Ediscyll Lorusso – St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Breakthrough Apprentice of the Year, sponsored by UNISON:

Sharon Maywood – North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust

Exceptional NHS Operational Support Worker of the Year, sponsored by UNISON:

Sarah Martin – Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust

Inspirational Clinical Support Worker of the Year: 

Mary Jackson – Southern Health & Social Care Trust

Team winners: Healthy Teen Minds (Dedication to a Lifelong Learning Culture); Hampshire Search & Rescue (Most Inspired Health and Care Support by a UK Charity/Social Enterprise); Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Most Promising OD & People Programme); University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust (NHS Improvement through Digital Innovation); St Clare Hospice (Most Progressive Integrated Care Workforce Programme);  Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service (Best Emergency Services Collaboration); Spectrum Community Health CIC (Best Healthcare Initiative in a Community or Criminal Justice Setting).

The Our Health Heroes Awards are delivered by Skills for Health. Chief executive John Rogers said: “A huge congratulations to all Our Health Heroes finalists. Without the wider healthcare workforce that Our Health Heroes Awards aims to recognise and celebrate our NHS would grind to a halt.

“Now more than ever, it is important to raise awareness of the valuable contribution that these inspirational teams and individuals make to the health of the nation and to thank them publicly for the sacrifices they make.”

Danny Mortimer, chief executive of category sponsors NHS Employers, said:

“These awards are a great way to celebrate our truly incredible people whose contribution and dedication deserves recognition. Across the country, healthcare staff are working incredibly hard to help recovery in the aftermath of COVID-19 and to provide the best care for patients and we look forward to celebrating their efforts.”

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