Ukraine – share your stories

UNISON wants to hear from Ukrainian and Russian members, as well as branches who are seeking to help the victims of war

UNISON in solidarity with Ukraine graphic

UNISON is working with the international trade union movement to mobilise support for those affected by the war in Ukraine.

The union recently spoke with Ukrainian trade unionists, who are bravely representing their members in their war-torn country.

We would now like to look closer to home, to learn how the invasion of Ukraine is affecting our own members, here in the UK, but with a personal interest in the conflict.

If you are a Ukrainian member with friends and family who are trapped in the war zone, or are refugees seeking safety elsewhere, we would like to hear your story.

And if you are a Russian member, who is horrified by Vladimir Putin’s actions and concerned about the effects of the war on your own friends and family back home, we would also like to hear from you.

Finally, if you’re from a branch that is working hard to support refugees, either through fund-raising initiatives or by opening your homes, let us know – so you can inspire others to do the same.

UNISON is encouraging members to donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal, which is providing aid for families fleeing their war-torn country.

Ukraine: Share your story

Are you Ukrainian, Russian, or want to share a story of solidarity?