Holding back the flood on food safety

Local government pledges continued campaign against privatisation and deregulation of meat hygiene service

Sheep grazing under a tree

UNISON vowed to continue its opposition to privatisation and deregulation in meat hygiene when delegates at the local government conference debated the threats to the service this afternoon.

With “chlorinated chicken” the phrase on everyone’s mind as the country contemplates what might by involved in a post-Brexit trade deal with the US, conference heard meat hygiene inspector Martin Hope point out that the work of the union is to “hold back the flood that will lead to a dilution of food safety”.

But he added: “As union members, we are not naysayers but change makers.”

Speaking for the service group executive, Glen Williams reminded the hall that food safety is something which affects everyone.

“There are many things we all share, many things that unite us,” he pointed out. “We definitely share the need to eat.”

But pointing to government, meat suppliers and Food Standards Agency management, he said that “that which keeps us alive, they want to privatise”

However, Mr Williams observed that: “Meat hygiene inspectors and environmental health officer are our last line of protection.”