Blog: Our whole union stands with the Glasgow strikers

Equal pay for work of equal value. That’s a simple demand that everyone should be able to agree with. Yet for too long, women workers have had to struggle and fight for the wages they deserve. As a union with a million women members, the fight for equal pay has always been one we’ve been proud to lead.

In Glasgow, the fight for fairness has been long and hard. Today and tomorrow, thousands of women will be on strike to continue their long running campaign to win the equal pay they have been denied for too long. For twelve years they’ve fought for equal pay, and yet throughout Glasgow City Council have dragged their heels and failed to pay these incredible public service workers the wage they deserve.

Together in UNISON, we have taken the fight to the courts and to the streets. Councillors have come and gone, but our demands for equal pay have remained the same. The dedication to the cause of UNISON members has been incredible, and it’s been matched by the incredible strength shown by those taking action this week.

Unwavering commitment to fighting for decent pay is at the heart of our union and our movement – this strike action and this dispute encapsulate that, and show how we can organise and move people on the basis of fighting for what is right.

The time for weasel words is over – the time for fair pay is now. Our whole union stands shoulder to shoulder with the Glasgow strikers, and we always will.