Site icon UNISON National

Blog: Low pay? No way

This morning, I joined UNISON members on the picket line in Camden. They’re on strike because their employer – NSL, an outsourced parking firm – won’t pay them the salary they deserve.

Their call is a simple one – low pay, no way – and it’s one that resonates across our union. Wherever you work, whatever you do and whoever your employer is, UNISON members deserve dignity, respect and a fair wage.

Considering the vast sums that NSL takes in from parking in Camden – and the bumper salaries earned by their top executives – we know they can afford to meet UNISON’s reasonable demands for proper pay.

All these UNISON members want is to be able to earn a wage that allows then to support their families and. NSL need to get around the negotiating table, and come up with an offer that meets our members needs – because this group are strong, they’re sticking together and they have the resolve to fight and win. Our union is proud to stand with them.

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