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Showing what the Welsh NHS is really like

This has the power to show the truth behind the political attacks and reveal what the Welsh NHS is really like. And since NHS workers are trusted more than politicians – we hope that the Welsh public will hear that truth loud and clear.

Our NHS often comes under attack from those seeking to undermine our nation’s greatest institution for their own political ends.

But it’s especially troubling when those who know better – like the Prime Minister – choose to do so.

Last year, David Cameron sought to make political capital out of attacking our NHS in Wales, by claiming that the border between England and Wales had become ‘a line between life and death.’

Wrong of course – the Nuffield and OECD reports in 2015 and 2016 have shown in overall terms there is no health service either in England, or any of the devolved nations, which could claim to be better than the others.

But also offensive. Unhelpful. And damaging for morale.

It’s because of attacks like this that UNISON Cymru / Wales has today launched the #iamthewelshnhs campaign to challenge cynical and cheap political attacks against the health service.

During the Welsh Assembly election campaign, we’re encouraging health workers in Wales to use the hashtag #iamthewelshnhs, and include images and updates to promote the vital work they do.

This has the power to show the truth behind the political attacks and reveal what the Welsh NHS is really like. And since NHS workers are trusted more than politicians – we hope that the Welsh public will hear that truth loud and clear.

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