Black Representation in Public Life

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2016 National Black Members' Conference
23 September 2015

Conference notes and welcomes the Scottish Government’s First Ministers proposal of the 50/50 by 2020 plan; a pledge on gender equality to make public appointments within public bodies more diverse.

Conference believes that all public bodies should include board members who reflect British society – people from all walks of life; those with a vast range of viewpoints and life experiences.

The 2011 census provides us with the knowledge that Black people in England and Wales account for 14% of the population, with just over 4% of the population accounting for the population in Scotland.

According to an analysis of diversity data on appointments made to the boards of public bodies in Scotland as at 2014, of the 574 seats available on Scotland’s public boards, only 16 were held by Black people.

Conference believes that if we are to eliminate racism in our society we need to remove the barriers that Black people encounter in accessing opportunities and services. Addressing Black representation on public boards is an important step in dismantling those barriers.

Conference, therefore, calls on the National Black Members Committee to work with the NEC to:

1) Campaign to increase Black representation on Public Boards

2) Work with the Government, and devolved governments, to ensure they address this under-representation and ensure they prioritise it as a matter of urgency.