NHS Job Evaluation training in England – update

The NHS Staff Council provides a range of online Job Evaluation (JE) courses which are delivered by management and staff side JE experts.  The courses are a great way to build your local staff side knowledge and skills about the NHS JE scheme.

The training is commissioned by NHS Employers and can be delivered to one organisation or places can be secured by employers on a centrally run course.

A discounted rate is offered if an employer sends a partnership pair along to the training (one staff side and one employer side).

The suite of online courses includes:

Waiting lists have opened for the following courses:

  • Job Analysis and Job Evaluation (two-day course)
  • Job Evaluation Refresher (one-day course)

Follow the link to find out more about the above courses: Job Evaluation training | NHS Employers.

You should approach your employer to book places on the courses for you or interested reps / members.

If you have any questions about the JE training, please contact: H.Group@unison.co.uk.