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Staff Council guidance: withdrawal of DHSC Covid terms – advice for branches (England)

As Covid infections rise and some staff continue to experience long Covid, UNISON’s NHS members will be very concerned that the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has decided to withdraw the temporary Covid sick pay/special leave provisions put in at the beginning of the pandemic for Agenda for Change staff.

UNISON has worked with employers and other unions through the Staff Council to produce joint guidance on how the changes should be implemented as supportively as possible.

We’ve also produced this accompanying UNISON advice for branches to help you use the guidance to best effect.

The joint guidance covers the DHSC’s decisions on ending the Covid terms and sets out the ‘business as usual’ provisions that now replace them:


Advice for branches

Branches have a key role in making sure employers continue to support staff in the right way.  Below are some tips on how to use the Staff Council guidance to do this:

Transition of staff from Covid sick pay to Handbook provisions


New episodes of Covid sickness


Staff well enough to work but need to self-isolate for infection control


Wider support for staff absence linked to wider Covid context


Further questions and queries

If branches experience problems interpreting the Staff Council guidance, or new issues/queries come up, contact and encourage your employer to raise it through NHS Employers. We will try to answer queries in partnership, adding to the Staff Council FAQs as required.

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