How should NHS pay rises be set? Consultation FAQs

The Health Service Group Executive (HSGE) wants to hear the views of branches about UNISON’s position on how NHS pay rises should be set.

At our Health conference this year, the motion ‘One Team One Say – which way on pay?’ was carried and instructed the HSGE to launch the consultation.

Since 1983, the Pay Review Body system has had responsibility for setting pay awards and in 2008 its remit was expanded to include all Agenda for Change staff.

Conservative-led governments since 2010 have introduced pay caps and freezes which have shackled the PRB and led to an erosion of faith in the PRB among NHS staff.

In addition, devolution and differing political attitudes have led to increasing differences in pay rates among the four UK administrations.

The HSGE wants to find out the views of branches and regions about whether and how far UNISON should push for changes to how NHS pay rises are decided.

We’ve compiled some FAQs to help provide some background for the forthcoming consultation.