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UNISON makes progress on preceptorships

Preceptorship campaign – March 2022 update

Nurses and students have told us how challenging the transition into their first registered roles are. This has been made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic and the pressures on health and social care.

UNISON has been working together with the Florence Nightingale Foundation and the Nursing Times to campaign for consistent access to high quality preceptorships for all nurses that support them to develop and thrive in their first roles.

Our campaign goals are:

There have been important developments from our campaign so far:

We will continue to campaign for the consistent, high-quality preceptorships that our survey shows are needed more than ever.

We plan to build on our survey work with further information gathering and will be looking to work with organisations across the UK to support the improvement of preceptorship offers for all nurses.

We will share more information with branches and regions when we have it.

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