Continuing Professional Development and Lifelong learning survey

UNISON has been working with other organisations to produce a set of continuing professional development and lifelong learning principles to be applied across the health and social care workforce.

This document was launched in January 2019 and the organisations involved in this work have put together a survey to assess its value and impact.

Please find the link to the Principles document, which is being hosted by the College of Paramedics:

Principles document

The survey will help the group overseeing this piece of work gain insight into your experience of the Principles document and support further action regarding the importance of CPD and LLL for all health and social care professionals.

Take the survey

It will take no more than 5 minutes.

Please could you also share this with members. We are using the hashtag #CPDTogether  and #jointprinciples to promote the survey

 It takes less than five minutes to complete this survey.

The survey closes on 1st May 2020