New school year, new materials, new challenges

UNISON in schools has been working hard over the summer to produce new materials and update existing guidance and materials.

‘Why I ♡ UNISON? It saved me from losing my job, my home, my whole way of life’

The issue of losing my tax credits was keeping me awake at night: as a single mum I didn’t know how I was going to provide for my family

♡ UNISON: it stands up for the whole NHS team

Annette is a medical secretary in Scotland who loves that UNISON stands up for the whole NHS

♡ UNISON: it encouraged me to become the person I am

‘UNISON has backed me up … has encouraged me to become the person I am’

♡ UNISON: because we fight for equal pay

‘Work with us, in partnership with employers rather than as adversaries, to close the gender pay gap’

♡ UNISON: it’s there to back you up

UNISON is a group of people having the same interests and the same cause

♡ UNISON: the union helped me be the person I knew I was

‘I am moved to tears and utterly overwhelmed by your support. Thank you’

♡ UNISON: being part of UNISON is like being part of a family

You have three loves: your family, your partner, and then the movement that you would do anything for

Save our services – where our campaign’s going in 2016

The local services we all benefit from need our help

Caseworker Mitsy Harmon-Russell

‘UNISON means? Confidence, learning and not getting a pay cut’

Careworker Mitsy tells her story

The Trade Union Bill: Graeme’s story

My name is Graeme Matheson and I work as a building services engineer

The Trade Union Bill: T’s story

T works as a night awake care assistant in a residential home for the elderly.

The Trade Union Bill and my job: Sean’s story

My name is Sean Keown and I work as a Pharmacy Technician. My job involves dispensing and checking medicines, counselling patients, and updating computer systems related to the issue of patient medicines.

The Trade Union Bill: Roger’s story

Roger is 70 years old and has been retired from Sheffield City Council as an administrator since 1997

The Trade Union Bill: Jenny’s story

My name is Jenny Edwards and I work as an associate practitioner