♡ UNISON: it stands up for the whole NHS team

Annette is a medical secretary in Scotland who loves that UNISON stands up for the whole NHS

♡ UNISON: it encouraged me to become the person I am

‘UNISON has backed me up … has encouraged me to become the person I am’

♡ UNISON: it’s there to back you up

UNISON is a group of people having the same interests and the same cause

♡ UNISON: the union helped me be the person I knew I was

‘I am moved to tears and utterly overwhelmed by your support. Thank you’

♡ UNISON: the best thing about it is when you get to make a difference

I first got involved with UNISON because I had a workplace issue; I was accused of stealing something from the organisation I used to work at

♡ UNISON: being part of UNISON is like being part of a family

You have three loves: your family, your partner, and then the movement that you would do anything for

♡ UNISON: the union got me through a difficult time

My job is to support people with learning difficulties to live in the community independently.

Homecare in crisis

Three quarters of councils continue to insist on 15-minute homecare visits for elderly and disabled people, UNISON reveals

Caseworker Mitsy Harmon-Russell

‘UNISON means? Confidence, learning and not getting a pay cut’

Careworker Mitsy tells her story

Library worker Shazzia Rock reads to a group of children

Yoga, stand-up comedy, singing children and books…

All in a day’s work for today’s librarian

Keeping the floods at bay

The holiday season saw members across northern England and Scotland scramble to deal with floods. But flood defence is a year-round job

A life lost can mean another saved

Becoming an organ donor can be a gift – both for the lives you save, and the loved ones you leave behind

Screen grab from the stars in our schools website

You were the stars in our schools

UNISON celebration of school workers had a fantastic response

Children attending UNISON's Christmas cinema screening in Inverclyde stand outside the cinema holding placards saying 'we demand popcorn'

Christmas cheer and charity

UNISON members are helping workplaces, their families and communities to warm up for the festive season

The life and times of a low-pay parent

With the chancellor’s U-turn on tax credits, single mum Kati Conroy says she can sleep again at night – for now