The wonderful workers of Waverley school – a day in pictures

UNISON has members working throughout the education system – from primary schools to higher education – but some of the schools our members work in are unique

Beating the Big C – cancer, and the council

For many people, working outdoors in the sun is a blessing. But for refuse loader David Lewis, living in the shadow of skin cancer, it became a curse

Our Health Heroes awards – the night in pictures

Check out the pictures from the Our Health Heroes awards

man in a suit and bow tie

Farewell to conference

Neil Marsden may have retired after two different careers in the police force, but he has every intention of remaining active with UNISON

The price of fashion

The collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh shocked the world – since then, UNISON has helped the garment workers fight for their rights

‘What kind of world have we created?’

Director Ken Loach talks about his acclaimed new film, which deals with the ‘conscious cruelty’ of the benefits system, leading people towards food banks and homelessness

UNISON wins Mumsnet

We’re big fans of Mumsnet at UNISON, and following a discussion thread about our public service champions campaign last week, we’re even bigger fans.

A life less ordinary

Women in prison, suicide and domestic violence are just some of the issues UNISON vice president Margaret McKee is tackling

Breast cancer, my union and me

Liz Potter was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in the summer of 2013 at the age of 49.

A matter of life and death

The NHS is continually criticised by its government regulator for being in the red – but it’s the beleaguered services that really matter

Finding a way through Brexit

As the UK wonders what happens next in a post-Brexit world, UNISON is acting now

A positive frame of mind

Mindfulness is a meditative technique that helps us cope with everyday stress

May The Force Be With You

Shaun McDermott is a PCSO on the community beat. His way of relaxing with the kids involves going to a galaxy far, far away…

Homecare workers, illegal payments and when the sums just don’t add up

It used to take Judith Montgomery three and a half hours to earn two hours’ pay.

Eric Roberts

You’ll never walk alone with Eric

Eric Roberts looks forward to a year as the president of ‘the best union in the country’