Women and trade unions

Women have always been central to trade unions and the fight for a more equal society. To celebrate Women’s History Month we’ve put together a timeline of some of the key dates for women and the trade union movement.

‘A thank you to the hospital carers helping me battle cancer’

Lots of people will be starting the new year battling cancer. Former UNISON editorial manager Diana Harrison shares her personal account and thanks the NHS staff who are caring for her

Learning to excel

Former UNISON president Lucia McKeever cites her union’s commitment to lifelong learning as a key reason for her unexpected rise through the ranks

Epic film depicts the events leading to the infamous Peterloo Massacre

Mike Leigh’s historical adviser talks about the research that informs the recounting of the 19th century pro-democracy rally that ended in tragedy

Unlocking our potential

UNISON’s disabled members are working hard to combat unfair treatment at work

Footballers wearing show racism the red card t shirts

Kick it out

UNISON marks the 25-year fight against racism in football

The Birmingham homecare workers fighting for their jobs

Homecare workers are not taking proposed changes to their contracts lying down

September – and we are on song!

Health pay, local government cuts, outsourcing, Brexit…. new term, same curriculum

Grounding a coup

A new documentary celebrates an act of international solidarity by Scottish factory workers that has entered into union folklore

‘You don’t achieve anything in the movement by yourself’

UNISON’s new president Gordon McKay talks about his ambitions for his year in office

Justice restored

It’s one year since UNISON beat the government at the Supreme Court and forced an immediate change in the law. The case made headlines. Now we can tell the full story of how David beat Goliath. It’s a remarkable, epic tale that spans over four years. And it’s all true.

A time to celebrate

ON UNISON’s 25th birthday, general secretary Dave Prentis takes stock of the union’s achievements and of what lies in store in the future

Hollywood star Michael Sheen surprises the first person born in the NHS

To celebrate the NHS’s 70th birthday, UNISON set up a very special meeting

Surviving the Windrush scandal

Michael Braithwaite, a school teaching assistant who lost his job due to the Windrush scandal, recalls his fear of deportation

The last gift: working with organ donors

UNISON members Michelle and Rachel are hoping a new law will help the thousands of people in desperate need of an organ transplant