UNISON 9/11 commemorative ribbon in maroon

Blog: Still in solidarity, two decades later

As American unions come together to mark the 20th anniversary of that horrifying day, we recommit ourselves to the campaign for peace across the world

Blog: Is this the kind of community you want to live in?

Our local services face catastrophic cuts. Help us stand up for them and take action now

Wooden textured flag of Afghanistan

Blog: Plight of desperate Afghans highlights UK’s cruel refugee plans

MPs from all parties must defeat Westminster government’s plans to further criminalise and punish those fleeing for their lives

general secretary Christina McAnea with UNISON members outside a London hospital

Blog: Fighting for pay across the union

Pay is coming to a head and we need all of our members and activists to take part in every ballot and every consultation

Portrait of Christina McAnea

Blog: Six months into our new era

It’s been an incredibly busy but productive and fulfilling first half year as your general secretary – with many achievements across our great union

Portrait of Christina McAnea

Blog: Wilfully sowing the seeds of masked confusion

If only the Westminster government could show some of the responsibility it wants the rest of us to take on

general secretary Christina McAnea with UNISON members outside a London hospital

Blog: The best birthday or thank you gift is a pay rise, now

Thank you days for key workers and birthday celebrations – and even the George Cross for the NHS – are richly deserved, but what really matters is an increase in pay

Portrait of Christina McAnea

Blog: Why we will always stand with the Windrush generation

Tuesday is Windrush Day. But instead of enjoying a day of celebration, the Windrush generation are still fighting for justice

Portrait of Christina McAnea

Blog: Why G7 leaders need to work much harder on vaccine access

The US donation of half a billion vaccines may sound impressive – but it’s a drop in the ocean. Vaccine manufacturing rights need to be freed up now

A UNISON Pride in our Work balloon and flags

Blog: During Pride, let’s recommit to act for LGBT+ equality

The pandemic has seen a devastating increase in hate crime, domestic abuse, homelessness and mental health issues for LGBT+ people

Christina McAnea

Blog: Levelling up the forgotten frontline

Our local government workers deserve no less credit and applause than health workers – and they deserve fair pay now

Christina McAnea

Blog: The UK government must act on planned Palestinian evictions

UNISON condemns the violence in East Jerusalem and Gaza, regrets the loss of life on both sides and calls again on the Israeli government to comply with international law

general secretary Christina McAnea with UNISON members outside a London hospital

Blog: Your safety is paramount as we start to return to workplaces

As lockdown restrictions ease and workplaces open up, we need to make sure our staff are kept safe

general secretary Christina McAnea with UNISON members outside a London hospital

Blog: Be part of the solution

Democracy is at UNISON’s heart – and the more of you that vote, the better your union can represent you and be representative of you

Christina McAnea

Blog: Voting for fair pay on 6 May

Many of our members are not looking for special treatment or favours – all we want is due process and proper negotiations that result in fair pay