Boasting about inflation? Cameron needs a reality check

Cameron reaction to the latest inflation figures shows a massive reality gap between his government and what is being felt by the majority of people across the country

Here we go again. Won’t this government ever learn?

In a tragic case of déjà vu, the government has announced it is slashing a further 1,500 jobs from the Environment Agency – has it learned nothing?

Cuts, cuts and more cuts

Today, Chancellor George Osborne launched his first salvo of the New Year with a promise of even more spending cuts. He warns that unless spending is cut further, the “recovery” will not last.  In true right wing style, he stigmatises  those who have to depend on benefits, and the jobless. He wants to  permanently cut […]

Environment Agency workers are unsung heroes

The severe storms and fatal floods that battered the country over the festive period have devastated many families.  Our thoughts are with those people who were forced to spend Christmas without loved ones, who lost their electricity supplies, and who have been left to clean up the damage from yet another ferocious storm at the weekend.  In the eye […]

UNISON is in great shape for 2014

UNISON is in great shape to face the challenges ahead

Happy Christmas and a better New Year

During this festive season, while the vast majority are enjoying time with family and friends, spare a thought for the millions of workers who will be making sure we can do just that in safety and comfort. Public service workers will be making sure the sick and vulnerable are still cared for; that the streets […]

Trading standards officers protect all of us

Trading standards officers play a vital role in protecting all of us when we are shopping, both online and in our local high streets. They guard against exploding halogen heaters, enforce guidance on toys that could be dangerous to toddlers, and crack down on retailers selling make-up containing toxic ingredients that cause permanent scarring. And […]

Local government cannot afford NOT to pay the Living Wage

£1.20 might not sound like much. But for half a million low paid local government workers, every hour it’s the difference between a poverty wage and a living wage.

Landmark for homecare workers

Today represents a landmark for homecare workers. It’s a small step, but one that has the potential to benefit hundreds of thousands of homecare workers across the UK, and the people they care for every day.

The least MPs can do is show a little restraint

Reports today that MPs are to get an 11% pay rise will infuriate many millions of people who are suffering the effects of this government’s austerity agenda.

Mourning Nelson Mandela

Like millions of people across the globe it was with real sadness that I heard the news of the death of Nelson Mandela.  His death was not a shock, but his life sent shockwaves across the world and his legacy is felt and will continue to be felt by generations to come.  He was an […]

Support our striking members in higher ed

Taking strike action at any time of year is a difficult decision – and especially in the lead-up to Christmas

Teaching assistants deserve our support

Today is a national celebration of teaching assistants, the work they do and the incalculable benefits they bring to pupils

You cannot separate low pay from child poverty

The latest Resolution Foundation report shows a staggering 3.5m workers have been stuck on low pay for a decade – and solidly reinforces the picture of how divided our nation has become

We’re not all in this together

We’ll continue our campaign for decent treatment for public service workers