This week, we observe World Health Day

Health services should not be left at the mercy of the market

Our campaign continues for a living wage and fair pay

our campaigning continues – during TUC Fair Pay Fortnight and beyond – for a living wage and fair pay

The pay policy pressure cooker

As Fair Pay Fortnight begins, the unrelenting ferocity of this government’s assault on the pay of working people is plain to see.

We’re not prepared to wait until 2018

The Chancellor was pretty full of himself today as he talked at length about the government’s “‘achievements” in his Budget speech.

I’m not holding my breath to hear what the Chancellor says in his Budget

I for one, am not holding my breath to hear what the Chancellor has to say in his Budget tomorrow – and I’m not expecting any measures that will tackle the growing gap between the rich and poor.

This is no way to treat our dedicated NHS members

This is no way to treat our dedicated NHS members – this shabby coalition has once again demonstrated its real colours and should be swept from power for the sake of our NHS

Reverse the Tory attack on essential protections

Labour leader Ed Miliband took up the cudgels on behalf of working people by tabling an Early Day Motion calling for the annulment of new laws that threaten their rights

We need a half million pledges for NHS Change Day

Today is NHS Change Day. And this year UNISON has added our backing to this innovative campaign. The aims behind Change Day underpin many of UNISON’s own campaigning.

I sometimes wonder if we are living in the same country

When I read some newspapers, turn on the TV or radio, or hear David Cameron talking about unemployment, I wonder if we are living in the same country.

Stop wasting time and make an offer now

What a disgrace to see local government employers calling off pay talks, because they want to wait and see what the new minimum wage will be

Unions refer probation plans to International Labour Organisation

UNISON got together with NAPO and the GMB today to refer Chris Grayling’s sell-off of the probation service to the International Labour Organisation (ILO)

All our hard working higher education members need our support today

Our hard working members in Higher Education have the full backing of the union behind their action today and I urge members to support them

Our hard working members in local government deserve our support

It didn’t take long for rich Tory donors to start squealing about having to pay more tax on earnings above £150,000, if Labour wins the next election

Rich Tory donors squealing about having to pay more tax? It’s predictable

It didn’t take long for rich Tory donors to start squealing about having to pay more tax on earnings above £150,000, if Labour wins the next election

If you were a Martian, you would think the economy is booming

Back on Earth, the real truth of austerity is increasingly painful for millions of people