Poverty pay has no place in 21st century Britain

Poverty pay has no place in 21st century Britain and we are working hard in UNISON to get employers to sign up to pay the living wage

Everybody deserves the dignity of a decent wage

How can it be that Britain’s five richest families are worth more than the country’s poorest 20%?

Proud to march for fair pay

On Saturday, the atmosphere was one of solidarity and determination and our members’ strength of feeling was plain for all to see

NHS workers deserve a pay rise

The rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of our NHS members this morning as they came out in force on picket lines across England

The price of justice

UNISON will be in the High Court later this month arguing for the government’s savage Employment Tribunal fees to be scrapped

Shrugging off the last vestige of pretence

Tories are shrugging off any last vestige of pretending to be compassionate conservatives

Starting to turn the tide on fair pay

I am taking UNISON’s case for fair pay to the heart of the Labour Party at its annual conference in Manchester

The global battle against international trade agreements

This week I am taking our battle to save our public services from privatisation to Washington DC.  Joining forces with other public sector trade unions from Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and Latin America to lobby against from international trade agreements. We in UNISON have been alerting the public in the UK to the danger […]

The TUC – stronger together this autumn

This week’s TUC conference will set the trade union agenda for the run up to next year’s general election, and continue to build momentum ahead of the TUC rally on 18 October

Latest Jarrow marchers deserve all of our support

Last week – and 78 years after the original Jarrow march to parliament – a group of mothers from Darlington set off from Jarrow to London to protest against the privatisation of the NHS

Meat inspectors on strike

Our members working as meat inspectors and official vets for the Food Standards Agency have been on picket lines across the country since first light

Growing gap in the ‘recovery’

Two reports out this week show the growing gap between those enjoying the government’s so-called recovery and the rest of the population

Little to celebrate

This week, we are celebrating International Youth Day – but a new report from UNISON shows that sadly there is little to celebrate

Pay remains a priority

Pay remains a priority, and our members are saying loud and clear to government that enough is enough

A ceasefire in Gaza is essential now

Harrowing images of death, destruction and human suffering in the Palestine/Israel conflict cannot fail to move even the most hard-hearted cynic