We will make sure your voice is heard at Westminster

The general election is over and I just want to thank UNISON members, activists and staff for all they did on behalf of UNISON before and during the campaign.

Take 10 minutes and use your vote

The polls are open until 10 o’clock tonight – so if you’ve not already voted, please get down there and have your say

Care for it? Vote for it

The polling stations open at 7am tomorrow and we’ll all get the chance to actually vote after what seems like one of the longest election campaigns in living memory

Tomorrow is a simple, but crucial, choice

Why I’ll be voting for that tomorrow and why I urge everyone else to do so as well.

Let’s get the vote out

This is the most important election for a generation. We all need to play our part in getting the vote out – especially among union members

The most important election of a generation

There’s a part every one of us can play in protecting our NHS, jobs and job security and turning around the cost of living crisis – by voting on 7 May.

Remembering Rana Plaza

High street chains must recognise their responsibility, or it’s only a matter of time until another avoidable disaster claims the lives of many more innocent workers

A cynical attack on caring staff

Plan to scrap unsocial hours payments is nothing more than a cynical cost-cutting exercise as part of the Conservatives.continuing austerity agenda

A stark choice

We can choose between safeguarding our public services and increasing the spending power of working people; or five more years of vicious cuts to vital services, and to the pay and conditions of our members who deliver them

Register to vote by 20 April

With everything pointing to the closest election in a generation, and some seats destined to be decided by just a handful of votes, all of us have the power to make a difference – so make sure you’re registered to vote

Police not immune to government’s ruthless austerity agenda

New UNISON report reveals that cuts to police scientific services are placing criminal investigations at risk

The last Budget of this Parliament is almost upon us

A Budget that delivers for ordinary people is what we all would like to hear – unfortunately, I suspect we’re very unlikely to

We need to tackle asbestos in schools

More than 75% of schools in the UK contain asbestos – but the government is still dragging its feet over a report on the scale of the problem due last spring

Bearing the brunt of austerity

UNISON has a positive vision for the community and voluntary sector: close to our communities, innovative, high quality, and speaking out for those who are marginalised

Fair Pay – why we fight for a living wage

Five million workers are earning less than the living wage